What is this all about?

In search of an outlet for my interest in the field of anthropology I have decided to compose a record of the research I do on the subject, and also my feelings on these subjects. It is my intention to include in this blog subjects that are also not traditionally associated with the field of anthropology (hence my description of the blog as "all things human", not "a blog on anthropology"). Humans have and continue to make amazing discoveries, do incredible things, show unparalleled compassion, and evolve into a species that I am proud to be a part of. I plan to document and discuss these discoveries, achievements, examples of compassion, and instances of evolution (both biologically and socially). Millions of factors influence human life daily, and I also plan to document those factors and their effects on the human race. I hope you enjoy what I have to say, and that anyone viewing this blog feels welcome to join in on the conversation.

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Get in, and drive

When you think about the changes that have occurred as a result of the car you probably get visions of NASCAR, shiny engines, (and if you are like me) smog, and an over reliance on fossil fuels. Cars have impacted humanity in another crucial way though, a way you probably never stopped to think about. They changed the concept of a family completely in a matter of years. Before cars families were something you stayed close to. Now families are something you go back to.
As cars became more popular it became easier for mothers to work, children to go off to college, and whole families to uproot themselves and start fresh. In modern families it is rare to see the concept of a "family home" embraced anymore. Recently I met a woman who told me that she lived in the same home she and her mother were born in. I was in awe. It is hard to find someone who lives in their childhood home anymore, and the car is the culprit behind this.


  1. Such an interesting take on this subject. Good job. :)

  2. Thank you so much Kandy :) I'm glad u enjoyed it.

  3. A fast-paced lifestyle is the new world-wide culture. Unfortuantely, family bonding takes second.
