What is this all about?

In search of an outlet for my interest in the field of anthropology I have decided to compose a record of the research I do on the subject, and also my feelings on these subjects. It is my intention to include in this blog subjects that are also not traditionally associated with the field of anthropology (hence my description of the blog as "all things human", not "a blog on anthropology"). Humans have and continue to make amazing discoveries, do incredible things, show unparalleled compassion, and evolve into a species that I am proud to be a part of. I plan to document and discuss these discoveries, achievements, examples of compassion, and instances of evolution (both biologically and socially). Millions of factors influence human life daily, and I also plan to document those factors and their effects on the human race. I hope you enjoy what I have to say, and that anyone viewing this blog feels welcome to join in on the conversation.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011


Every day millions of poverty stricken women walk an average of 3.7 miles to get a few gallons or so of murky water. The driving force behind this symbolic yet necessary migration? Thirst. In under funded, water scarce regions of the world for many women their live's purpose has become to hydrate. It is for this purpose that many women give up their education, and as a result the possibility of a better life. These same women do not have enough water to wash their hands. They have enough water to do laundry about once a year. If these women warriors in the war on thirst had something as simple as a faucet they could spend their time doing something other than fetching water. The possibilities of what could be accomplished are endless. These women could obtain educations, raise more livestock, start businesses, or spend time with their children. With this concept in mind something as primitive as a community well could transform whole societies. The women who for millions of years had time enough only to give their families a drink could suddenly obtain a career. Everything that particular society ever knew about its women could be changed in a matter of years. Not many people think of water as having the ability to transform whole civilizations, but its been doing just that since the beginning of time. For these women it is the main thing standing between them and a life free from oppression.
Aside from the cultural issues that arise from these treks for water many biological issues continue to weaken water starved communities as well. As human population soars and pollution spreads less and less water is available to these women and their families. This growing epidemic forces more families to obtain their water from dangerously polluted and bacteria ridden sources. It is because of this that a Konso, Ethiopia clinic treats 70% of their patients for water born diseases. An approximate 3.3 million die from these same diseases every year. Outreach programs have slowly started to change the face of these statistics though. The Pur company has recently made a powder that kills bacteria and clumps dirt, metals, and parasites so that they can be easily filtered. Aid groups are currently working to distribute this powder to areas in need. A Swiss water disinfection system called SODIS is being taught to communities worldwide. The process involves removing the label from a plastic PET bottle, filling it with water that inst overly murky, and placing it in direct sunlight for six hours. This process has led to a drop in absences at the Ndolela Primary School in Tanzania. Because of this the number of students passing their 6th grade exams has risen 80%.
Aid groups all over are working to bring water closer to families, and help them clean it. When societies have easy access to clean water social and cultural evolution is jump started. Societies previously infamous for oppression can suddenly become famous for their cultural leaps that took developed countries centuries to make. What are your thoughts on the ability of water to cause social and cultural evolution? Please feel free to comment, question, and criticize.

Information obtained from April 2010 issue of  National Geographic and water.org


  1. tsk, I love Anthropology, but.. if you were laconic I would've read this.. :/

  2. thanx for the input nenehfer. i'll try shorter posts and see how it goes.
